Let me begin by confessing my immense skepticism coming into this personality test. I've always associate things like this to quizzes on the back of Cosmo magazines designed for bored girls and housewives desperately needing to hear something about themselves. However the results shown once I completed this quiz made me reconsider my initial disbelief  as it spoke eerie truths about my personality. According to this test I am an ENFP meaning I'm a quirky, verbally fluid person with a histrionic and borderline personality. I guess that makes me a Freudian stereotype of a woman and might suggest I'd benefit from some therapy but for the meantime I'll put off the why's and focus on the what. 
According to the test, ENFP's are springy, cognizant and ever-inquisiting. We are extroverted thinkers and intuitors which is probably why when i took the job test it said I'd make a good journalist. I admit to always wanting to know everything.