The title of this blog post is how every episode of Magnum P.I started. For those of you unfamiliar with this show its about a private detective working in Hawaii for a millionaire who never makes an appearance. This blog post made me think of it right away because it makes you believe in a "paradise", one which is unveiled throughout the show as greed and corruption oose through its cracks.
 Puerto Rico is a similar "paradise" full luxurious resorts and casino's, a paradise for those who's bank accounts are willing and able. Its disgusting how our beaches are polluted with dirty pampers, empty beer bottles, used condoms and infected syringes, its abominable the way construction continues to happen so close to the shoreline, who gives these people permission to build anyways. I can count at least 3 buildings recently constructed basically on the beach in Condado which have been empty for at least 5 years. I mean at this point its just insulting, not only did they build illegally but how the hell are they paying the bank back if no one is living there. Its an obvious money laundering shenanigan and nobody does or says anything.
I guess thats what it all comes down to, nobody's bothered enough to do anything here. We live by that awful motto: "such is life", well I refuse to accept that. We live drugged in conformism and its depressing. The all encompassing mediocrity lulls you, sinks you into a gray limbo where you are trained to expect the bare minimum. I could argue that its because we're still basically a colony living like a 30 year old man in his mothers basement but that's old news. Nothing works here, the buses take forever, government offices open whenever they feel like it, public education is a joke and more than half of our economy is moved by drug money. The list goes on and on and the more I think of it the more anxious I get to get out. 
I wont leave without feeling though, there is indeed something magical about this island despite its many, many, many shortcomings it will always have a warm spot in my heart. 
To give a concrete example of one of my biggest complaints (that being the horrid public education system) one need only to open the newspaper and see how much money was found under Fajardo's mattress. 

7/2/2013 08:03:18 am

This is a real macho man


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