I grew up on Disney movies, I was guilty of wanting to be a beautiful, curvy, rich princess, loved and admired by all. However, as I grew older and slowly submerged myself in adolescence my aspirations changed, I wanted to be in control. I guess I never actively thought about Disney movies and how they might have affected my perspective on life but i began to notoriously over think things. The documentary brought me back to Disney, and exposed a couple of things I hadn't thought of, among these the implicit chauvinism in both The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. I was very impressed with how they analysed both movies. The "Little Mermaid" for example, who rebelled against her father with the use of her voice, who claimed her independence and spoke her mind had to sacrifice that very thing which made her a strong woman in order to pursue the man of her dreams. I hadn't thought of the importance of the voice, as a child i just assumed that Ursula was simply jealous but looking back she asks for Ariel's voice, not her looks. 
The "Beauty and the Beast" interpretation also spoke to me. It made me reconsider the way I feel about people to an extent for like the little girl in the documentary i too believed that there is a hidden good in everyone that comes out with kindness. I had fond albeit vague memories of that movie, I found it comforting that every beast could be tamed but its a dangerous thing to believe, some things are just unacceptable and allowing them stunts future change. 

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